Who is The Lunatic?

On April 1, 1978, a dream was born. A silly, not altogether normal dream about two state senators from Missouri and a jar of spicy dijon mustard. An admirable dream about a life of uncertainty, a hard life of animal husbandry and rigid macroeconomic theory. It was a dream of Americans, the American dream, a dream with some Americans in it—and a jar of spicy dijon mustard.

But then there was another dream, a preposterous dream, a dream about a humor magazine, a magazine based on humor, a humorous magazine born of the hearts and minds of some humorous people, their desires, fears, wants, and delusions. In short, a dream about the Cornell Lunatic, Cornell University’s only award-winning humor magazine.

This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

Our Editorial Board

Editor in Chief
Joseph Lang ‘25

Executive Editor
Ayesha Chari ‘24

Mike Carr ‘24

Art Directors
Danish Qureshi ‘25

Layout Editor
Ellen Berghausen ‘25

Web Editor
Ethan Carlson ‘25

RC Sidoli ‘26

The Lunatic in Fall 2023